Great lakes scuttlebutt
Great lakes scuttlebutt

He stated he was having fuel problems with all of his equipment back in Ohio including cars, boatlifts, generators, snowmobiles, golf-carts, lawnmowers and his fleet of four large sport fishing boats. Jack approached us at a Florida boat show after seeing a live visual demonstration of how our fuel additives “GAS-SHOK”TM and “DESL-SHOK “TM stabilized fuels by eliminating water in fuels, boosting power, and stopping black smoke in diesels and phase separation in ethanol gasoline. Jack and his family own Tibbels Marina in Marblehead, Ohio complete with fuel docks. USA Fuel Service Adds Tibbels Marina in Ohio to Exclusive Distributor List USA Fuel Service LLC welcomes Jack Tibbels and family as the most recent addition to the USA FUEL SERVICE growing family of exclusive distributors. The CycleFlush unit is available for $90. The unit itself is about the size of two decks of cards, so it is easy to hide under the sink. Simply connect positive and negative wires to the battery and to the head switch.

great lakes scuttlebutt great lakes scuttlebutt

The CycleFlush not only works great but is easily installed. There is also an on/off switch, so when you’re using your boat it can be switched off. If one relay does fail a red light blinks, so you know to grab your toolkit. It has a dual relay, so if one fails the other takes control and the system keeps working. The CycleFlush prevents water from stagnating in the head by fl ushing it once every six hours. Tritico Enterprises has the answer, with their new CycleFlush which will your head smelling like a bed of roses. Stop the Stink with CycleFlush If you leave your boat sitting at the dock for a few weeks, the head can grow as stinky as month-old chum. For more information, contact Bay Harbor at 231- 439-2000, or visit. Bay Harbor is proud to be a recipient of the 2003 ULI Award for Excellence. Bay Harbor is situated on 1,200 picturesque acres along the Lake Michigan shoreline and exceeds previous standards for planning, quality, and luxurious world-class amenities. Snider, Jr., CAE, President of Michigan Boating Industries Association. “The management and staff of Bay Harbor Lake Marina have implemented excellent policies and procedures addressing environmental practices and protections they have in place within their marina,” stated Van W. When the facility reaches established goals, they receive their designation. After implementing improvements and reaching a level of competencies, the marina requests a visitation by a CMP consultant, which serves as an evaluation of the facility’s environmental stewardship.

great lakes scuttlebutt

The facilities then conduct self-evaluations of their environmental practices to determine their strengths and weaknesses. The clean marina certifi cation begins with a pledge to participate in the program, followed by workshops where the marina management and staff receive a marina handbook, overview of the designation process, and a review of best management practices. We are pleased to do our part in protecting the natural surroundings and pristine waters of the northern Michigan,” said David V. The consistent mission for Bay Harbor has been to create environmentally sensitive neighborhoods that are designed in ecological harmony with the land.

great lakes scuttlebutt

“We are elated to receive this admirable certifi cation and just as honored to have qualified for recertifi cation. It is the policy of a clean marina to protect the health of boaters, staff, and the environment by preventing the discharge of pollutants to the water, land, and air. The Clean Marina Program (CMP) is a joint undertaking by the Michigan Boating Industries Association, Michigan Sea Grant, and the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality. Bay Harbor was originally certifi ed in 2006 for three years. Great Lakes Scuttlebutt November/December 2009: īay Harbor Lake Marina Receives Recertification as Certified Clean Marina Bay Harbor Lake Marina, a Michigan marina located in the resort community of Bay Harbor, four miles west of Petoskey, Michigan, has been recertifi ed with the honorable designation of a “Michigan Clean Marina” by the Michigan Clean Marina Program (CMP) Committee.

Great lakes scuttlebutt